The printing press has made a great effect on our knowledge today. Because of the printing press we where able to afford the books and read them for ourselves .With the printing press people were able to learn better grammar and publish more books at a time. It has set many inventions for writing technique. We now use a computer to type and learn; thanks to the printing press we were abl
e to come up with something similar but quicker. Using the printing press was a relief for those who had to publish the books. But using the computers to day is much easier and fun. Because of the invention of the printing press we now developed the knowledge to invent computers. And later on in the future computers will develop a new knowledge to invent something even quicker and knowledgeable than we ever could image in our minds.

I enjoyed reading your post and I also agree with everything you had to say about the printing press and our inventions now.
Good point that the future holds even better forms of spreading and achieving knowledge than what we presently have.
Good details to defend your arguments. A few small errors, but overall well written. As is 26/30 points.
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