Monday, September 15, 2008

The Printing press and Spread of knowledge

The printing press has made a great effect on our knowledge today. Because of the printing press we where able to afford the books and read them for ourselves .With the printing press people were able to learn better grammar and publish more books at a time. It has set many inventions for writing technique. We now use a computer to type and learn; thanks to the printing press we were able to come up with something similar but quicker. Using the printing press was a relief for those who had to publish the books. But using the computers to day is much easier and fun. Because of the invention of the printing press we now developed the knowledge to invent computers. And later on in the future computers will develop a new knowledge to invent something even quicker and knowledgeable than we ever could image in our minds.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Carpe Diem

I do agree with the Latin saying carpe diem. Because what they‘re saying is to enjoy the present and don’t worry about the future. Most people get all worked up about something that hasn’t even come around yet. That’s why I try my best to enjoy the moment because tomorrow’s not promise. We don’t know what might happen to us in the next five or three years from now, so why plan it or stress about it. I just think that everybody should enjoy every moment in there life because we don’t know what the future holds, that’s why I agree so strongly with the Latin.

Monday, September 8, 2008


The visit at Judaism was very interesting. Soon as we enter we where shocked because it was so beautiful and neat. There were a lot of symbols of Judaism. The guest speaker was glad to have us there, which was good for me because I was glad to be there. He answer one of my question with no problem telling me their most celebrated hoilday which is rosh hashanah<> it was very interesting learning some things i had no ideal about<> i enjoyed myself here as well>

Religion Visits


The trip to the Islamic center was different from my church but it was still similar in some ways. The Islamic church had no chairs in the prayer area because they pray standing up then they bend over to the front then nail down on the floor with their heads and on their needs. The guest speaker was very friendly and kind to us all. When we first showed up to the church they greeted us with smiles. We had to take off our shoes before we enter the prayer room, which was interesting. The building was ordinary but the inside was like we where at, their own city. The rug was beautiful and soft. The guest speaker had no problem asking our questions like how many times do you pray a day, which is five times, and while we where asking questions another guy came in and shared cold fresh bottles of water for each and every one of us. I really enjoyed coming to the Islamic church.

The visit at the Congreation of Children of Israel was very interesting. Soon as we enter we where shocked because it was so beautiful and neat. There were a lot of symbols of Judaism. The guest speaker was glad to have us there, which was good for me because I was glad to be there. He answer one of my question with no problem telling me their most celebrated hoilday is Rosh Hashanah, a New Year anniversary of the creation of the world. It was very interesting learning some things i had no ideal about, like how they read and open their books backwards. I enjoyed myself here as well.


The Catholic church was pretty big and had a lot of symbols of The Virgin Mary, they even had her on a Cross. The guest speaker was kind and very sharing. There where a lot of different frames of Jesus and Mary. Each frame had a meaning to it. There where one frame that I couldn't take my eyes off of, and that was a picture of Jesus carring the Cross. We didn't have much time left to stay and learn but the little time that I was there was pleasant. There were a section where the people bow down to Virgin Mary and ask for her help with their propblems.Visiting the Catholic Church was interesting to me because once when I was little I had went to a Catholic school, so it gave me some flash backs when we use to pray in the Church.